Stephen Elop said in an interview that Nokia will not support the MeeGo operating system in future. Reason? he thinks Microsoft Windows Phone is more liked by users than MeeGo. That's why they say love's blind.
But there are still some sensible people in this world whom have filed a petition to save MeeGo.
For those of you who are still not familiar with MeeGo, its an open source mobile operating system based on Linux, mainly targeted for Smart Phones, Tablets, Vehicle Consoles, TVs, etc. The project was initially conceived by Nokia and Intel to address the shortcoming of Microsoft's solutions for embedded/portable OS. Later on, big names like AMD, Asus, Acer, joined the alliance for supporting this project. I feel that Nokia is completely ignoring the fact that this might be the spark that can reignite its ailing market share.
Damn, Nokia is really stupid, They create an awesome mobile OS at last and then they abandon it for the crappy Windows Phone. How stupid is that. no wonder they are losing marketshare so fast.
As I write this from my Nokia N9 I cannot help but wonder where the innovative leading spirit of the Finnish company has gone? Shame on the nokia board for neglecting their core values and their once supportive customers.
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